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41 Results
Hands of a child holding an empty bowl
ELA, Social Studies
Grades 3-12

How can we help address the issue of hunger in our community?

Birds eye view of a pair of shoes on cement, with multicolored arrows pointing from the shoes in different directions.
Career/Technical (CTE), ELA
Grade 9-12

What career path is the best fit for my interests, skills, and future goals, and how can I gain the knowledge and experience needed to pursue it?

two hands in latex gloves forming the shape of a heart
Career/Technical (CTE)
Grade 9-12

How can we, as infection preventionists, create an employee training program to help stop the spread of infection in a residential healthcare facility?

Old handwritten letters and papers are stuffed inside of a vintage handbag on a desk strewn with letters.
Social Studies
Grades 6-12

How can we as historians design an interactive digital tool that demonstrates our community’s influence on [a period in history]?

Young people waving Jobs Not Jails! signs march at a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Peace Walk and Parade.
Social Studies
Grades 6-12

How can we change the law to make our society better for everyone?

A group of people in various types of professional dress
Career/Technical (CTE)
Grade 9-12

How can we develop an understanding of professionalism and workplace ethics in order to prepare for success in our future careers?

A freshly graded report card—featuring an A +, A and B + grades—with a felt-tip pen laying beside it.
ELA, Math
Grades 6-12

How can we design a fair grading system?

Rows of tents in a Somalian refugee camp as seen from above.
World Languages
Grades 11-12

What can international media tell us about what is really happening around the world?

Black and white image of a town with dirt road with early aged automobiles
Social Studies
Grades 4-12

How can we as historians uncover and share stories about our community?

Closeup photo of a lightbulb on a string of lights
Grade 9-12

What stories do we have to tell?

A crowd of protesters wearing green ribbons on their wrists raise their fists in the air.
ELA, Social Studies
Grades 9-12

How can we, as legal teams, determine the effectiveness of a revolution?

child wearing a superhero costume
Grades 6-12

How can we, as web content editors, develop a quality-controlled and age-appropriate website for our school’s fan fiction writers?

An abstract, triangular mosaic background with glimpses of a forest lake.
ELA, Math
Grades K-PreK

How can we make art inspired by the shapes around us and share it with others?

A group of children enjoy popcorn and lemonade as they watch a movie on blankets in a backyard.
Grades 6-12

Which is better: the book or the movie?

A book lies open on a desk, with a pair of white ear-buds acting as a bookmark.
Grades 6-12

How can we use music to communicate about characters and themes in a novel/story?

Closeup image of camera lens
ELA, Fine Arts, Social Studies
Grades 3-12

How can we, as photojournalists, tell the untold stories of our community?

A sunset with a chain running across it. There are three doves flying away from the chain.
Grades 9-12

How can we use poetry to promote social justice in our community?

Photograph of Mumbai City, India, showing new construction of skyscrapers in the background and makeshift homes in the foreground.
Social Studies
Grade 9-12

How can we develop a sustainability plan to ensure a selected region is future-ready?

Children at play in red and blue tubes at recess.
Science, ELA, Health/PE
Grades K-PreK
How can we create a recess path to use during indoor recess?
View of an empty shopping cart as seen from the perspective of the shopper, with the aisle blurred.
ELA, Social Studies
Grade 9-12

What’s the true cost of the things we buy?