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How can we make change happen in our community?
Click here for a full sample planner
How can we create a profitable pop-up ice cream shop that will bring joy to our community?
How can we revitalize a language that is important to our community?
How can we tell powerful stories about human migration?
How can we support younger students through the transition to middle school?
How can we plan a profitable walk-a-thon to benefit a cause we care about?
Can one square meter predict the health of our ecosystem?
How can we make a real difference to address climate change?
How can we use data to reduce our families’ impact on the environment?
How can we produce podcasts that promote important sustainability efforts in our community?
How can we, as web content editors, develop a quality-controlled and age-appropriate website for our school’s fan fiction writers?
How can we use music to communicate about characters and themes in a novel/story?