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How can we help people survive in extreme temperatures?
How can we reduce the impact of our food-growing systems on the environment?
How did the continents come to look the way they do, and how will they change in the future?
How can we redesign a public space to make it more environmentally sustainable?
How can we make a real difference to address climate change?
How can we use our target language to help visitors learn about our school?
How can we as historians design an interactive digital tool that demonstrates our community’s influence on [a period in history]?
How can we change the law to make our society better for everyone?
How can we use data to reduce our families’ impact on the environment?
How can we produce podcasts that promote important sustainability efforts in our community?
How can we as historians uncover and share stories about our community?
What lessons can we learn from golden age civilizations and/or from their falls, and why do those lessons matter to us today?
Did the American Revolution have more than two sides?
How can we, as web content editors, develop a quality-controlled and age-appropriate website for our school’s fan fiction writers?