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How can we learn from existing government structures to create an effective and equitable student government?
How can we make change happen in our community?
Click here for a full sample planner
How can we use our voices to effect change?
How can we help new friends get to know our community?
How can we create an eye-catching graphic design that generates excitement for [local organization’s event]?
How can we honor and share important cultural places and practices from around the world?
How can we revitalize a language that is important to our community?
How can we balance different viewpoints to manage public lands in a responsible manner?
How can we plan for a financially successful business?
How can we tell powerful stories about human migration?
How can we use music to create an outdoor space that supports emotional wellness in our school/community?
How can we use light and sound to communicate emotion through our art?
How can we design a theatrical set that adds meaning and power to a production?
How can we use dance to tell stories about conflict, cooperation, and human-environment interactions?
How can we compose a musical score that transforms a film viewer’s experience?
How can our school improve structures and schedules to best support student wellness?