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How can we redesign our school to significantly reduce carbon emissions and create a more energy-efficient future?
How can we help people survive in extreme temperatures?
How can we design a microgrid to increase our community’s energy resilience?
How can we create an eye-catching graphic design that generates excitement for [local organization’s event]?
How can we teach people about the bugs that live in our homes and schools?
How do ordinary ingredients become extraordinary bread?
How can we use music to create an outdoor space that supports emotional wellness in our school/community?
How can we keep our communities safe and prepared for natural hazards?
How can we use light and sound to communicate emotion through our art?
How can we design a theatrical set that adds meaning and power to a production?
How can we use dance to tell stories about conflict, cooperation, and human-environment interactions?
How can we design realistic sci-fi alien creatures movie goers will love?
How can we compose a musical score that transforms a film viewer’s experience?
How can we redesign a product’s packaging to make it more environmentally friendly?