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64 Results
collage of a boy thinking, surrounded by sketches and images of ideas
Grade 9-12

How can we create zines that reflect the complexities of identity?

An Inuit mother and her daughter on the tundra of Baffin Island in late spring. They are interacting with each other. Background is rock, ice and distant mountains.
ELA, Social Studies, World Languages
Grades 6-12

How can we revitalize a language that is important to our community?

A blue and white collage of blurry question marks.
Grades 4-8

What makes mystery readers keep turning the pages?

A group of children enjoy popcorn and lemonade as they watch a movie on blankets in a backyard.
Grades 6-12

Which is better: the book or the movie?

A book lies open on a desk, with a pair of white ear-buds acting as a bookmark.
Grades 6-12

How can we use music to communicate about characters and themes in a novel/story?

A crowd of protesters wearing green ribbons on their wrists raise their fists in the air.
ELA, Social Studies
Grades 9-12

How can we, as legal teams, determine the effectiveness of a revolution?

A volunteer ladles healthy food on a plate in a soup kitchen while a young African-American girl looks on.
ELA, Math
Grade 3-5

How can we plan and prepare a meal to feed people in our community?

A petri dish, a microscope, with some chemical formulas and a representation of a double helix overlay.
Grade 9-12

Are GMOs the way to go?

Closeup photo of water droplets on blades of grass
Grade 9-12

How are we affecting the local watershed?

A small village of tiny houses, with a small grey-blue house in the center.
ELA, Math
Grade 3-5

How can we design a tiny house that meets the needs of our clients?

An environmental researcher wearing red rubber gloves pours water out of a green bottle.
Grade 9-12

How can we make our water safe?

A blue, spider web-like pane of cracked glass.
Science, STEM
Grade 9-12

How do we protect the things and people we care about from collisions?

Rain falls on a rainbow-colored umbrella.
Science, ELA, Social Studies
Grade K

How can we teach people about the weather in our community?

An abstract landscape with mountainous terrain and a sky that has several transparent moons
Grade 6-8

How can we design realistic sci-fi alien creatures movie goers will love?

A water bottle is recycled in the proper place.
Science, Math
Grades 3-6

How can we use data to reduce our families’ impact on the environment?

person wearing headphones and holding one side of them away from their ear
Grades 6-8

How can we produce podcasts that promote important sustainability efforts in our community?

Image of children holding up a huge sphere
ELA, Social Studies
Grades K-2

How can we take action to make a change in our community?

child wearing a superhero costume
Grades 6-12

How can we, as web content editors, develop a quality-controlled and age-appropriate website for our school’s fan fiction writers?

The planet Mars out in space
Science, ELA
Grade 3-5

How can humans safely explore Mars?

Close up of a colorful green housefly
Science, ELA, Math
Grade PreK

How can we teach people about the bugs that live in our homes and schools?