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18 Results
Grade K
How can we use math to create and manage a flower shop?
Grades K-12
How can we make change happen in our community?
Click here for a full sample planner
Grade K-2
How can we help new friends get to know our community?
Grade PreK
How can we make and share an alphabet book about the kids in our class?
Grade PreK
How can we teach people about the bugs that live in our homes and schools?
Grades K-3
How can we use light and sound to communicate emotion through our art?
Grade K-2
How can observing the natural world help us find solutions to human problems?
Grades K-2
How can we take action to make a change in our community?
Grade K
How can we teach people about the weather in our community?
Grade K-2
How can we take care of our environment and inspire others to help us?
Grades K-PreK
How can we make art inspired by the shapes around us and share it with others?
Grades K-PreK
How can we create a recess path to use during indoor recess?