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How can we create an eye-catching graphic design that generates excitement for [local organization’s event]?
How can we create a profitable pop-up ice cream shop that will bring joy to our community?
How can we teach people about the bugs that live in our homes and schools?
How can we revitalize a language that is important to our community?
How can we help local policy makers use math to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases?
How can we plan for a financially successful business?
How can we use music to create an outdoor space that supports emotional wellness in our school/community?
How can we use geometry to design an appealing and challenging mini golf course?
How can we use light and sound to communicate emotion through our art?
How can we design a theatrical set that adds meaning and power to a production?
How can we use dance to tell stories about conflict, cooperation, and human-environment interactions?
How can we compose a musical score that transforms a film viewer’s experience?
How can we redesign a product’s packaging to make it more environmentally friendly?
Can one square meter predict the health of our ecosystem?
How can we design a shopping experience that appeals to members of the [country/region where the target language is spoken] community?