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26 Results
Group of demonstrators with fists raised in the air
ELA, Social Studies
Grades K-12

How can we make change happen in our community?

An Inuit mother and her daughter on the tundra of Baffin Island in late spring. They are interacting with each other. Background is rock, ice and distant mountains.
ELA, Social Studies, World Languages
Grades 6-12

How can we revitalize a language that is important to our community?

Silhouette of mother and child holding hands facing the sunset.
ELA, Social Studies
Grades 4-8

How can we tell powerful stories about human migration?

Group of students gathered around a table
Grades 6-12

How can we support younger students through the transition to middle school?

young child in a chef's hat baking bread
Science, ELA
Grade 2

What is the chemistry behind the recipes we create?

The Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial in Washington, D.C. on a cloudy day at dusk.
ELA, Social Studies
Grade K-2

What makes someone a community hero?

The legs of a couple dozen walkers participating in a race, with pavement featured prominently in the foreground.
Grade 8

How can we plan a profitable walk-a-thon to benefit a cause we care about?

Green Emergency Exit sign with arrow and running stick figure man.
ELA, Math
Grade 2

In case of a fire, what is the best way to safety?

A young sloth hangs from a cable in a jungle in Costa Rica.
Science, ELA
Grade 6-8

How can we teach children to be stewards of the environment?

An old book lay open on a wooden table, set against a background of glittering stars
Grade K-2

How can we make stories come alive for kids in our community?

Image of child-like colored pencil drawing of the earth.
Grades 4-12

How can we inspire people to create change?

Plant sprouting from dry earth in foreground with city blurred in background.
Science, ELA
Grades 6-12

How can we make a real difference to address climate change?

A teenage girl in jeans sits on stone steps and checks her smartphone.
ELA, Health/PE
Grade 6-8

What should we do about cyberbullying?

Hands of a child holding an empty bowl
ELA, Social Studies
Grades 3-12

How can we help address the issue of hunger in our community?

A blue and white collage of blurry question marks.
Grades 4-8

What makes mystery readers keep turning the pages?

A freshly graded report card—featuring an A +, A and B + grades—with a felt-tip pen laying beside it.
ELA, Math
Grades 6-12

How can we design a fair grading system?

person wearing headphones and holding one side of them away from their ear
Grades 6-8

How can we produce podcasts that promote important sustainability efforts in our community?

Image of children holding up a huge sphere
ELA, Social Studies
Grades K-2

How can we take action to make a change in our community?

Rain falls on a rainbow-colored umbrella.
Science, ELA, Social Studies
Grade K

How can we teach people about the weather in our community?

child wearing a superhero costume
Grades 6-12

How can we, as web content editors, develop a quality-controlled and age-appropriate website for our school’s fan fiction writers?