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How can we make change happen in our community?
Click here for a full sample planner
How can we learn from existing government structures to create an effective and equitable student government?
How can we use our voices to effect change?
How can I use knowledge of the human body to provide high-quality, person-centered care?
How can we create an eye-catching graphic design that generates excitement for [local organization’s event]?
How can we honor and share important cultural places and practices from around the world?
How can we make and share an alphabet book about the kids in our class?
How can we create a profitable pop-up ice cream shop that will bring joy to our community?
How can we teach people about the bugs that live in our homes and schools?
How can we revitalize a language that is important to our community?
How can we create zines that reflect the complexities of identity?
How can we help local policy makers use math to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases?
How can we balance different viewpoints to manage public lands in a responsible manner?
How do ordinary ingredients become extraordinary bread?
How can we tell powerful stories about human migration?