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34 Results
Grades 3-6
How can we use data to reduce our families’ impact on the environment?
Grades K-2
How can we take action to make a change in our community?
Grades 4-12
How can we as historians uncover and share stories about our community?
Grade K
How can we teach people about the weather in our community?
Grades 4-8
Did the American Revolution have more than two sides?
Grade K-2
How can we take care of our environment and inspire others to help us?
Grades K-PreK
How can we make art inspired by the shapes around us and share it with others?
Grades 3-12
How can we, as photojournalists, tell the untold stories of our community?
Grade 3-5
How can we plan and prepare a meal to feed people in our community?
Grades K-PreK
How can we create a recess path to use during indoor recess?