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28 Results
Group of demonstrators with fists raised in the air
ELA, Social Studies
Grades K-12

How can we make change happen in our community?

Close-up of a microphone as seen from a stage, with a blurred background of spectators at an outdoor rally
ELA, Social Studies
Grades 9-12

How can we use our voices to effect change?

An Inuit mother and her daughter on the tundra of Baffin Island in late spring. They are interacting with each other. Background is rock, ice and distant mountains.
ELA, Social Studies, World Languages
Grades 6-12

How can we revitalize a language that is important to our community?

A woman wearing a mask and getting her temperature checked
Grade 9-12

How can we help local policy makers use math to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases?

A view of Bears Ears National Monument
ELA, Social Studies
Grade 9-12

How can we balance different viewpoints to manage public lands in a responsible manner? 

Image of a lightbulb framed by a chalkboard drawing of a thought balloon.
ELA, Math, Social Studies
Grade 5

How can we plan for a financially successful business?

Silhouette of mother and child holding hands facing the sunset.
ELA, Social Studies
Grades 4-8

How can we tell powerful stories about human migration?

birds eye view of two miniature golf clubs, two balls, and a hole on a mini golf course
ELA, Math
Grade 4

How can we use geometry to design an appealing and challenging mini golf course?

A close-up of the feet of three hip-hop dancers on stage, wearing colorful sneakers.
Fine Arts, Social Studies
Grades 6-12

How can we use dance to tell stories about conflict, cooperation, and human-environment interactions?

Group of students making structures out of cardboard
Science, Math
Grades 9-12

How can we redesign a product’s packaging to make it more environmentally friendly?

Two children, one wearing a pink shirt and the other a blue shirt, stand in front of a multicolored playground structure in a park.
Science, Math
Grades 5-7

Can one square meter predict the health of our ecosystem?

A stack of hundred dollar bills with labels reading "mortgage," "bills," and "food."
Grades 11-12

How can we create a financial plan for a family?

Hands of a child holding an empty bowl
ELA, Social Studies
Grades 3-12

How can we help address the issue of hunger in our community?

Old handwritten letters and papers are stuffed inside of a vintage handbag on a desk strewn with letters.
Social Studies
Grades 6-12

How can we as historians design an interactive digital tool that demonstrates our community’s influence on [a period in history]?

Young people waving Jobs Not Jails! signs march at a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Peace Walk and Parade.
Social Studies
Grades 6-12

How can we change the law to make our society better for everyone?

A water bottle is recycled in the proper place.
Science, Math
Grades 3-6

How can we use data to reduce our families’ impact on the environment?

A small village of tiny houses, with a small grey-blue house in the center.
ELA, Math
Grade 3-5

How can we design a tiny house that meets the needs of our clients?

A freshly graded report card—featuring an A +, A and B + grades—with a felt-tip pen laying beside it.
ELA, Math
Grades 6-12

How can we design a fair grading system?

Black and white image of a town with dirt road with early aged automobiles
Social Studies
Grades 4-12

How can we as historians uncover and share stories about our community?

A colorful pink, yellow and blue digital illustration of building-like shapes as seen from above.
Grade 9-12

What mathematics do game designers need to create their games?