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27 Results
A water bottle is recycled in the proper place.
Science, Math
Grades 3-6

How can we use data to reduce our families’ impact on the environment?

A small village of tiny houses, with a small grey-blue house in the center.
ELA, Math
Grade 3-5

How can we design a tiny house that meets the needs of our clients?

A freshly graded report card—featuring an A +, A and B + grades—with a felt-tip pen laying beside it.
ELA, Math
Grades 6-12

How can we design a fair grading system?

An abstract, triangular mosaic background with glimpses of a forest lake.
ELA, Math
Grades K-PreK

How can we make art inspired by the shapes around us and share it with others?

Closeup image of camera lens
ELA, Fine Arts, Social Studies
Grades 3-12

How can we, as photojournalists, tell the untold stories of our community?

A volunteer ladles healthy food on a plate in a soup kitchen while a young African-American girl looks on.
ELA, Math
Grade 3-5

How can we plan and prepare a meal to feed people in our community?

An abstract, finance and stock market data graph.
Grade 6

How can we use data to help kids improve their memories?