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8 Results
Group of demonstrators with fists raised in the air
ELA, Social Studies
Grades K-12

How can we make change happen in our community?

An abandoned dirty Garfield and other toys at a landfill
Science, STEM
Grade K-2

How can we give toys a second life?

A child’s colorful drawing of an intricate map.
Social Studies
Grade K-2

How can we help new friends get to know our community?

The Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial in Washington, D.C. on a cloudy day at dusk.
ELA, Social Studies
Grade K-2

What makes someone a community hero?

Digitally generated waves in a spectrum of vivid colors set against a black backdrop
Science, Fine Arts
Grades K-3

How can we use light and sound to communicate emotion through our art?

Green Tree Frog sits on a leaf
Science, STEM
Grade K-2

How can observing the natural world help us find solutions to human problems?

Image of children holding up a huge sphere
ELA, Social Studies
Grades K-2

How can we take action to make a change in our community?

Rain falls on a rainbow-colored umbrella.
Science, ELA, Social Studies
Grade K

How can we teach people about the weather in our community?