23 Results
A social media campaign is a coordinated effort to use social media platforms to promote a message, product, or cause. These campaigns involve creating content such as posts, videos, and graphics designed to engage and inform an online audience.
A public service announcement (PSA) is a short, impactful message created to raise awareness or influence attitudes and behavior about a specific issue. PSAs often use visual and auditory storytelling to engage the audience and deliver a clear, memorable message.
A policy proposal is a formal document or presentation that outlines a recommended course of action to address a specific problem or need. It typically includes an issue analysis, proposed solutions, evidence supporting the recommendations, and an implementation plan.
A physical model or prototype is a tangible representation of an idea, object, or system. Models are used to visualize concepts, simulate processes, or communicate design ideas while prototypes serve as functional examples for testing and iteration
Event planning and hosting involve designing, organizing, and holding a gathering or activity for a specific audience and purpose. Events can range from small, focused workshops to larger-scale exhibitions, performances, or community celebrations.
This contract can be used by a project team to agree upon how they will work together.
This document helps students think about what they did in the project and how well the project went.
This document helps a team keep track of project tasks, who is responsible for them, and by when.
An idea talk (inclusive of TED Talks, PechaKuchas, Ignite Talks, and other formats) is a short, concise presentation about a focused idea using a structured format.
A podcast is an audio recording or series of audio recordings focused on a particular topic or theme, similar to a talk radio show.
Explains PBL, details the project, addresses assessment issues, and informs parents how to help.
An interactive map is a digital map that enables the viewer to explore and engage with the information by panning around, zooming in and out, hovering over points of interest, and clicking on objects to learn more about them. An interactive tour involves placards, QR codes, or other media placed in…
Ideas for developing relationships, co-creating norms, practicing protocols and establishing routines, and designing a classroom conducive to PBL.
This form may be used during a project to have students report on what their team accomplished on a particular day or week.
This form may be used by students to track progress on a project and have them report on what they individually accomplished on a particular day or week.
This documents helps capture thoughtful feedback from the audience for student presentations.
May be filled in by project team members to record agreements about how they will work together.
This checklist helps teachers prepare for project presentations before they start.
A business plan is a document that provides an overview of an existing or new business, outlining its goals as well as the steps and strategies to be implemented in order to achieve those goals. Business plans are developed for both internal purposes and external audiences, such as a plan written…
A museum exhibit is a curated collection of artifacts arranged and displayed for viewers' education and/or enjoyment. Exhibits are typically organized around a particular topic or theme with items carefully selected and strategically presented in order to convey a story or message about the subject.