56 Results
Plan projects with Gold Standard PBL's Essential Project Design Elements.
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: High School World History - Erin Brandvold, Impact Academy of Arts & Tech
For quick evaluation of a project's design, to check for Gold Standard PBL's Essential Elements.
This rubric describes beginning, developing, and Gold Standard levels for Project Based Teaching Practices.
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: Middle School ELA/History - Kimberly Head-Trotter, McKissack MS, TN.
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: Grade 3 interdisciplinary - Cheryl Bautista, Katherine Smith ES
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: High School Chemistry - Rayhan Ahmed, Leaders High School.
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: High School Math - Telannia Norfar, Northwest Classen HS, OK
This contract can be used by a project team to agree upon how they will work together.
This document helps students think about what they did in the project and how well the project went.
Use this tool to plan for thoughtful collaboration with industry and community partners.
This document helps a team keep track of project tasks, who is responsible for them, and by when.
Explains PBL, details the project, addresses assessment issues, and informs parents how to help.
The EL Scaffolds for PBL document provides strategies & recommendations to support English Learners.
This form may be used during a project to have students report on what their team accomplished on a particular day or week.
This form may be used by students to track progress on a project and have them report on what they individually accomplished on a particular day or week.
This documents helps capture thoughtful feedback from the audience for student presentations.
May be filled in by project team members to record agreements about how they will work together.
In this 8th grade ELA project, students in San Gabriel, California work together to develop a quality-controlled fan fiction website for other middle schoolers.