235 Results
Resource: (Strategy Guides)
Throughout a project—particularly during the build knowledge and develop and critique phases—students are engaged in extended work time to complete project tasks.
Resource: (Strategy Guides)
At the beginning of the project, students are introduced to key content in an authentic context via a stimulus or hook, which in PBL we call an entry event.
Resource: (Student Handouts)
Explains PBL, details the project, addresses assessment issues, and informs parents how to help.
Resource: (Planning Tools)
This planning document is designed to help you list the key project milestones, to represent significant moments or stages.
Resource: (Strategy Guides)
The team contract is a document introduced at the start of each project that asks project teams to think through and agree on how students will individually contribute to the team, how the members will work together, and how problems will be solved when they arise.
Resource: (Planning Tools)
Frame the DQ's initial words, person or entity, action or challenge, and audience/purpose.
Resource: (Strategy Guides)
Whether your students exhibit their work products during the course of the project, at the end, or both, you’ll want to have many sets of eyes on their public products. An audience feedback form is a tool used to actively engage the audience at an exhibition.
Resource: (Student Handouts)
This checklist helps teachers prepare for project presentations before they start.
Resource: (Strategy Guides)
Effective preparation for presentations helps students build project management, collaboration, and communication skills and ensures that their presentations are high-quality and impactful.
Resource: (Other Videos)
This video combines fresh animation and lively presentation by Sam Seidel, about authentic learning.
Resource: (Articles)
Ron Berger explains how his classroom culture helped students create high-quality products.
Resource: (Strategy Guides)
Effective teams require us to think carefully about the kind of work students will be doing throughout the project. What outcomes are most important? How can we utilize teams so students effectively reach those outcomes?
Project Snapshot: ELA
Project Snapshot: Math
Project Snapshot: Social Studies
Project Snapshot: ELA, Social Studies
Project Snapshot: ELA, Math
Project Snapshot: ELA, Math, Social Studies
Project Snapshot: ELA
Project Snapshot: Science