91 Results
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Creating and Using Norms to Build Effective Culture
Strategy Guides
Norms are the agreed upon rules that build a productive, self-driven, and respectful culture. These norms, especially when co-created with students, can serve as the “north star” or guiding philosophy for all that happens in a classroom.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Project Walls
Strategy Guides
How to use project walls to manage and display student learning in the classroom.
Teacher Erin Brandvold leads her students in a revolutions project in this video
Project Videos
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: High School World History - Erin Brandvold, Impact Academy of Arts & Tech
Teacher Kimberly Head-Trotter leads her students in a Walk Through Nashville project in this video
Project Videos
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: Middle School ELA/History - Kimberly Head-Trotter, McKissack MS, TN.
Teacher Cheryl Bautista leads her students in a project called Tiny Houses in this video
Project Videos
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: Grade 3 interdisciplinary - Cheryl Bautista, Katherine Smith ES
Teacher Rayhan Ahmed leads his students in a water quality project in this video
Project Videos
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: High School Chemistry - Rayhan Ahmed, Leaders High School.
Teacher Telannia Norfar leads her students in The Finance Project in this video
Project Videos
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: High School Math - Telannia Norfar, Northwest Classen HS, OK
Light Bulb Graphic
Product Toolkit
An idea talk (inclusive of TED Talks, PechaKuchas, Ignite Talks, and other formats) is a short, concise presentation about a focused idea using a structured format.
Microphone Graphic
Product Toolkit
A podcast is an audio recording or series of audio recordings focused on a particular topic or theme, similar to a talk radio show.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Creating and Using Team Contracts
Strategy Guides
The team contract is a document introduced at the start of each project that asks project teams to think through and agree on how students will individually contribute to the team, how the members will work together, and how problems will be solved when they arise.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Critique Protocols
Strategy Guides
Critique protocols are structured processes that guide students in giving and receiving high quality feedback. This guide offers strategies for implementing peer critique protocols that enhance learning and improve the quality of student work.
Using Models of Quality Work
Strategy Guides
Using models of quality work is a powerful strategy for Gold Standard Project Based Learning.
Interactive Map Graphic
Product Toolkit
An interactive map is a digital map that enables the viewer to explore and engage with the information by panning around, zooming in and out, hovering over points of interest, and clicking on objects to learn more about them. An interactive tour involves placards, QR codes, or other media placed in…
Preparing Students for Presentations Thumbnail
Strategy Guides
Effective preparation for presentations helps students build project management, collaboration, and communication skills and ensures that their presentations are high-quality and impactful.
Project Videos
In this 8th grade ELA project, students in San Gabriel, California work together to develop a quality-controlled fan fiction website for other middle schoolers.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Audience Feedback Form
Strategy Guides
Whether your students exhibit their work products during the course of the project, at the end, or both, you’ll want to have many sets of eyes on their public products. An audience feedback form is a tool used to actively engage the audience at an exhibition.
Thumbnail of Collaboration Rubric
2021 Research-Based Collaboration Rubrics
Thumbnail of Critical Thinking Rubric
2021 Research-Based Critical Thinking Rubrics
Thumbnail for Complex Communication Rubrics
2021 Research-Based Complex Communication Rubrics