33 Results
Project Team Contract Thumbnail
Student Handouts
This contract can be used by a project team to agree upon how they will work together.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Self-Reflection on Project Work
Student Handouts
This document helps students think about what they did in the project and how well the project went.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Project Management Log: Team Tasks
Student Handouts
This document helps a team keep track of project tasks, who is responsible for them, and by when.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Template for Letter to Parents
Student Handouts
Explains PBL, details the project, addresses assessment issues, and informs parents how to help.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Project Work Report: Team
Student Handouts
This form may be used during a project to have students report on what their team accomplished on a particular day or week.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Project Work Report: Individual
Student Handouts
This form may be used by students to track progress on a project and have them report on what they individually accomplished on a particular day or week.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Project Presentation Audience Feedback Form
Student Handouts
This documents helps capture thoughtful feedback from the audience for student presentations.
Project Team Contract Template Thumbnail
Student Handouts
May be filled in by project team members to record agreements about how they will work together.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Presentation Day Checklist
Student Handouts
This checklist helps teachers prepare for project presentations before they start.
Teacher and student discussing their goal setting
Other Videos
This video features high school students reflect on their experience of Project Based Learning and also practiced the 21st century competencies needed for personal and workplace success.
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High school students reflect on their experience of Project Based Learning.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Presentation Plan
Student Handouts
This document helps students organize their presentations with a specific audience in mind.
This video features kindergarten student presentations of projects on stray animals.
Other Videos
Kindergarten students - mostly English learners - present their stray animals project.
This video has been translated into PORTUGUESE to explain project based learning
Other Videos
A short animated video that explains in clear language the essential elements of PBL.
This hand drawn image depicts students sitting in traditional rows.
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Essential elements of PBL, 21st century competencies, differences from traditional teaching.
This video showcases the use of PBL at a school in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which organizes its program around the fields of architecture, construction, and engineering
Other Videos
ACE Leadership HS uses architecture, construction, and engineering projects to motivate and teach.
This animated video is translated into Mandarin and provides an overview of project based learning.
Other Videos
A short animated video that explains in clear language the essential elements of PBL.