38 Results
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2025 Research-Based Complex Communication Rubrics
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
PBL Spotlights
We asked National Faculty how PBL can enhance teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines. Here's what they had to say.
Thumbnail of Collaboration Rubric
2021 Research-Based Collaboration Rubrics
Thumbnail of Critical Thinking Rubric
2021 Research-Based Critical Thinking Rubrics
Thumbnail of Self Directed Learning Rubrics
2021 Research-Based Self-Directed Learning Rubrics
2022 Research-Based Creativity Rubrics
Teacher and student discussing their goal setting
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This video features high school students reflect on their experience of Project Based Learning and also practiced the 21st century competencies needed for personal and workplace success.
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High school students reflect on their experience of Project Based Learning.