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In this 8th grade ELA project, students in San Gabriel, California work together to develop a quality-controlled fan fiction website for other middle schoolers.
Whether your students exhibit their work products during the course of the project, at the end, or both, you’ll want to have many sets of eyes on their public products. An audience feedback form is a tool used to actively engage the audience at an exhibition.
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: Transitional Kindergarten - Interdisciplinary.
A rubric is more than a tool to assess final products. It is a tool that should be leveraged throughout the project to support multiple kinds of learning opportunities for your students. This guide offers strategies for using rubrics to aid learning at each phase of a project.
Effective teams require us to think carefully about the kind of work students will be doing throughout the project. What outcomes are most important? How can we utilize teams so students effectively reach those outcomes?
The need to know questions that initiated inquiry at the beginning of the project are central to students’ learning as they follow the project path. Need to know questions are revisited throughout the project in order to track learning and support sustained inquiry.
As students work together on projects, they learn valuable skills for collaborating, managing group dynamics and conflict, and building on one another’s strengths.
Students present their finished designs to a group of school architects, planners, & designers.
Middle school arts project: animated shorts about the Mexico and U.S. border.
Students evaluate the health of their local watershed by studying a small creek.
Art via PBL that reflects how the U.S. sees itself and how the global community perceives the U.S.
High School electric guitar project while learning Physics.
Students create multimedia & humanities projects to "take things invisible and make them visible" by publicly exhibiting their work.
High School Project: Hydrology Project that measures the effects of erosion and water quality.
High School students create their own ad campaigns based about propositions on a state ballot.
Students at Aviation High School in Seattle work in teams to build, test, and re-build their paper wings using better designs for each revision.
Students work in teams to build, test, and re-build their paper wings.
Students work with community experts & create scientifically accurate cartoon pamphlets on Bacteria.