58 Results
Thumbnail of Collaboration Rubric
2021 Research-Based Collaboration Rubrics
Thumbnail of Critical Thinking Rubric
2021 Research-Based Critical Thinking Rubrics
Thumbnail for Complex Communication Rubrics
2021 Research-Based Complex Communication Rubrics
Thumbnail of Self Directed Learning Rubrics
2021 Research-Based Self-Directed Learning Rubrics
2022 Research-Based Creativity Rubrics
Teacher Sara Lev leads her transitional kindergarten students in an Interdisciplinary project in this video
Project Videos
PBLWorks Project Videos 2018: Transitional Kindergarten - Interdisciplinary.
This is a thumbnail image of the Gold Standard PBL: Project Based Teaching Practices .pdf attachment
Overview of BIE's new model for teaching in a Project Based Learning environment.
A guide to forming teams, helping them become effective, & using peer ratings to adjust grades.
This article distinguishes between PBL and lightweight "projects" and argues why PBL is essential.
Project Videos
Students present their finished designs to a group of school architects, planners, & designers.
This video features High Tech Middle Media Arts students and staff collaborate with French filmmakers to create animation shorts about the Mexico and U.S. border.
Project Videos
Middle school arts project: animated shorts about the Mexico and U.S. border.
This video features Marin School of Arts and Technology students evaluating the health of their local watershed.
Project Videos
Students evaluate the health of their local watershed by studying a small creek.
This video features high school students at Livermore Valley Charter Preparatory create art pieces that reflect how the U.S. sees itself and how the global community perceives the U.S.
Project Videos
Art via PBL that reflects how the U.S. sees itself and how the global community perceives the U.S.
Chula Vista 9th grade students create electric guitars from scratch while learning the Physics concepts that allow them to ROCK ON in this video
Project Videos
High School electric guitar project while learning Physics.
This video features High Tech High Media Arts students who created multimedia & humanities projects to "take things invisible and make them visible"
Project Videos
Students create multimedia & humanities projects to "take things invisible and make them visible" by publicly exhibiting their work.
This video features High Tech High Media Art 9th grade students who created math board games to review concepts which involved critique by 4th & 5th graders.
Project Videos
Students create math board games to review concepts.
This video features students at Catalina Foothills High School in Tucson, AZ conduct a project-based science learning assignment called the Hydrology Project.
Project Videos
High School Project: Hydrology Project that measures the effects of erosion and water quality.
In this video, students at the Metropolitan Arts & Technology High School create their own ad campaigns based on California Propositions in this project.
Project Videos
High School students create their own ad campaigns based about propositions on a state ballot.
In this video, students in Seattle work in teams to build, test, and re-build their paper wings using better designs for each revision.
Project Videos
Students at Aviation High School in Seattle work in teams to build, test, and re-build their paper wings using better designs for each revision.
This video features students working in teams to build, test, and re-build their paper wings using better designs for each revision.
Project Videos
Students work in teams to build, test, and re-build their paper wings.