51 Results
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Revisiting Need to Knows
Strategy Guides
The need to know questions that initiated inquiry at the beginning of the project are central to students’ learning as they follow the project path. Need to know questions are revisited throughout the project in order to track learning and support sustained inquiry.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Academic Vocabulary
Strategy Guides
Helping all students (including English Language Learners) become fluent in the language of a project’s targeted content is an essential part of teaching in a PBL classroom.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Working With Outside Experts
Strategy Guides
In designing projects, we strive to have students doing the work of the world. Inviting those who actually do that work in the world into your project can be extremely powerful.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Post Project Reflection and Feedback from Students
Strategy Guides
Just as you encourage students to accept critique and revise their work, you should use critique processes to inform your revision of projects. This strategy guide offers guidance on how to request and use student feedback to refine your projects.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Preparing for and Conducting Interviews
Strategy Guides
Students conduct interviews as a part of many Project Based Learning experiences. In some cases, these interviews inform a design thinking process, in which students are working to identify the needs of a “client” or audience in order to inform a design, solution, or communication strategy.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Work Time
Strategy Guides
Throughout a project—particularly during the build knowledge and develop and critique phases—students are engaged in extended work time to complete project tasks.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called PBLWorks_Forming Project Teams_Strategy Guide_
Strategy Guides
As students work together on projects, they learn valuable skills for collaborating, managing group dynamics and conflict, and building on one another’s strengths.
This is a thumbnail image of the Tubric .pdf file
Planning Tools
Frame the DQ's initial words, person or entity, action or challenge, and audience/purpose.
This is a thumbnail image of the Storyboard .pdf file
Planning Tools
This planning document is designed to help you list the key project milestones, to represent significant moments or stages.
This is a thumbnail image of the Project Assessment Map .pdf file
Planning Tools
Plan how to use formative assessment in a project to be sure students are learning content and building 21st century competencies
This is an image of the Project Path .pdf file
Planning Tools
Use the Project Path to guide you through every phase of your project.