29 Results
Build the Culture Screenshot
Teaching Practice Videos
The Buck Institute has created this short video to help explain the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Creating and Using Norms to Build Effective Culture
Strategy Guides
Norms are the agreed upon rules that build a productive, self-driven, and respectful culture. These norms, especially when co-created with students, can serve as the “north star” or guiding philosophy for all that happens in a classroom.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Project Walls
Strategy Guides
How to use project walls to manage and display student learning in the classroom.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Creating and Using Team Contracts
Strategy Guides
The team contract is a document introduced at the start of each project that asks project teams to think through and agree on how students will individually contribute to the team, how the members will work together, and how problems will be solved when they arise.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Critique Protocols
Strategy Guides
Critique protocols are structured processes that guide students in giving and receiving high quality feedback. This guide offers strategies for implementing peer critique protocols that enhance learning and improve the quality of student work.
Scaffold Student Learning Screenshot
Teaching Practice Videos
The Buck Institute has created this short videos to help explain the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.
Manage Activities Screenshot
Teaching Practice Videos
The Buck Institute has created this short video to help explain the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.
Build the Culture - Student Voice & Independence Screenshot
Teaching Practice Videos
The Buck Institute has created this short video to help explain the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.
Engage & Coach Screenshot
Teaching Practice Videos
The Buck Institute has created this short video to help explain the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.
Design & Plan Screenshot
Teaching Practice Videos
The Buck Institute has created this short video to help explain the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.
Align to Standards Screenshot
Teaching Practice Videos
The Buck Institute has created this short video to help explain the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.
Assess Student Learning Screenshot
Teaching Practice Videos
The Buck Institute has created this short video to help explain the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.
Using Models of Quality Work
Strategy Guides
Using models of quality work is a powerful strategy for Gold Standard Project Based Learning.
Four students working at a table with their teacher
Ideas for developing relationships, co-creating norms, practicing protocols and establishing routines, and designing a classroom conducive to PBL.
Preparing Students for Presentations Thumbnail
Strategy Guides
Effective preparation for presentations helps students build project management, collaboration, and communication skills and ensures that their presentations are high-quality and impactful.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Audience Feedback Form
Strategy Guides
Whether your students exhibit their work products during the course of the project, at the end, or both, you’ll want to have many sets of eyes on their public products. An audience feedback form is a tool used to actively engage the audience at an exhibition.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Using Rubrics
Strategy Guides
A rubric is more than a tool to assess final products. It is a tool that should be leveraged throughout the project to support multiple kinds of learning opportunities for your students. This guide offers strategies for using rubrics to aid learning at each phase of a project.
Screenshot of thumbnail indicating resource on Reflection
Strategy Guides
In Project Based Learning, students should have regular opportunities to reflect, individually and with others, on both what and how they are learning. This guide provides a framework and strategies for supporting reflection on learning throughout a project.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Need to Knows
Strategy Guides
At the beginning of the project, students are introduced to key content in an authentic context via a stimulus or hook, which in PBL we call an entry event.
Thumbnail of this downloadable resource called Learning Log
Strategy Guides
A learning log is a tool that students use during the project to keep track of their questions and learning generated through their research. This guide offers strategies for teaching students to use learning logs to support inquiry throughout a project.