Top PBL News Stories
Here are some articles, blog posts, research studies, and other resources I’ve recently run across that relate to Project Based Learning.
Project Based Learning & Student Achievement: What Does the Research Tell Us?
Buck Institute for Education
Written by Dr. Sally Kingston, Senior Director of Research and Evidence at the Buck Institute, this 11-page document summarizes existing research on the impact of PBL on student learning in core content areas.
Mentors Enhance Project-Based Learning
Tom Vander Ark explains seven benefits of community-connected projects, then adds one more from Patty Alper of the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship: mentorship from local professionals.
7 practices that lead to PBL success
Suzie Boss wrote this article about the Project Based Teaching Practices we delved into in our new book.
PBL Texas 2018 Gallery Walk
Google Photos
I ran across this on Twitter: photos of well over 100 posters with K-12 project ideas, designed by participants in PBL workshops. Most of them are pretty good!
The New NGSS Classroom: A Curriculum Framework for Project-Based Science Learning
American Educator
A report from Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) on its effective PBL and performance task materials for 6th grade science.
Schools Are Missing What Matters About Learning
The Atlantic
A comprehensive article that castigates our “standardized testing mania” and says “Curiosity is underemphasized in the classroom, but research shows that it is one of the strongest markers of academic success.”
The Unpleasant Truth About Equity
Modern Learners
Bruce Dixon argues that more advantaged students are taught in ways that better prepare them for life (e.g., 21st century success skills, creativity & innovation, PBL) compared to the traditional, limited learning that less-advantaged students typically experience.
California’s K-12 Online Content Project
California State Library
Here’s a great resource (available to CA teachers only) with three free databases that will be very useful for students doing research and teachers needing content resources for PBL units, including “books, scientific research, newspaper articles, photos, videos and more” – all aligned with the CA state curriculum.
Teaching Survivor Guilt with PBL
A high school English teacher describes a project in which her SPED students read fiction and nonfiction and reflected on the Parkland school shooting. She used the Project Pals platform and offers great advice on best practices.
GHS Innovation Lab Students Venture to Greenwich Ave for “Man in the Street” Interviews
Greenwich Free Press, CT
An article in the local press about 10th graders doing a PBL unit on the Progressive Era and muckraking journalism.
Want to learn more about PBL? Check out our books.
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