Top PBL News Stories
PBL World 2018 Keynote Videos
Buck Institute for Education
Last week I wrote blog posts summarizing what our keynote speakers said, and here are the videos of them: 2018 PBL Champion Laura McBain (blog post is here), and Kaleb Rashad of High Tech High (blog post is here). A video of Linda Darling-Hammond’s keynote is not available, but you can read about it here.
“Find your passion” is bad advice, say Yale and Stanford psychologists
Quartz Media LLC
I’ve always wondered about the idea of “passion projects” because what if a kid (like many I know, including myself at that age) doesn’t have a “passion” yet? This research study suggests that young people should actively explore various interests with a growth mindset, rather than passively wait for their passion to be magically revealed.
Developing Your Classroom Presence
This post connects well to our Project Based Teaching Practices “Engage and Coach” and "Build the Culture," advising teachers to be their authentic selves, build “positive and optimistic” relationships with students, and project confidence.
New Google Classroom Update Makes Organizing PBL Easier!
Jo-Ann Fox previews upcoming new features of Google Classroom, including a “Classwork” tab to help teachers organize assignments in PBL units.
Assessing Learning Without a Test
A high school English teacher gives advice that could apply to a PBL classroom, such as challenging students to demonstrate their understanding of a novel through a group product guided by their own quality criteria, and the use of reflection protocols.
Building Success Skills with Project Based Learning
The Shawesome Education Show
Here’s a nice podcast discussion with Buck Institute National Faculty member Mike Kaechele and Dustin Shaw.
Design Thinking for School Leaders
Haven’t read this yet, but this book looks like it will be useful for school and district leaders leading innovations such as PBL.
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