Top PBL News Stories
(Next week I’ll be blogging from PBL World 2018, with posts Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday on each day’s keynotes and events, instead of our usual Wednesday & Friday posts.)
Here are some articles, blog posts, research studies, and other resources I’ve recently run across that relate to Project Based Learning.
Sharing Student Work Beyond the Classroom
Our colleague Suzie Boss describes the Share Your Learning national campaign and how student exhibitions/presentations of learning benefit schools and students.
Reimagining the School Day
Center for American Progress
Here’s an important report on how to provide more time for U.S. teachers to “develop engaging lessons,” which requires them to “collaborate, reflect, and plan outside of instructional time” – vital conditions for PBL to thrive. Several examples of modified school schedules included.
Boosting Student Engagement Through Project-Based Learning
This is a big one! Middle school science teachers worked with Stanford researchers and found great results for students taught with a PBL curriculum: improved test scores, participation, and engagement.
How to Help Students Make Great Videos for School Assignments
Information on a free video skills webinar July 11 which will be very useful for PBL teachers. Also on their site is a blog post for which I was interviewed, Improving Project Based Learning Outcomes with Video.
What feedback is… and isn’t
Granted, and…
This post dates from 2014 but it’s well worth re-sharing. The late great Grant Wiggins explains why what we often think of as feedback really isn’t, with concrete examples for how to improve it.
6 Questions (and answers!) to ask before moving to PBL
The first in a series of posts on PBL that I’m writing for eSchoolNews, with questions to reflect on who you are as a teacher and what the culture is like at your school/district.
10 Education Truths That Support Project-Based Learning
Great points about what learning is really about, including “Learning starts with attention” and “Intrinsic motivation will always outperform extrinsic motivation” and intriguing ones like, “Worms are better than strawberries and cream.”
Starting Small with PBL
Teacher Lesley Bright describes her 8th grade “chemistry museum” project and provides a helpful set of tips for “dipping your toe in the PBL water” – things teachers can do to support students when they first experience PBL.
Project-Based Learning Is Just the Beginning
EdTech Update
Felice Hybert, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction at Kankakee School District in Illinois, reports on how K-5 students explore careers, and how their high schools blend PBL with a competency-based model.
What Makes a Good Project
Creative Educator
Dr. Gary Stager, E.D. of the Constructivist Consortium, offers his own “8 elements” –purpose & relevance, time, complexity, intensity, connected, access, shareable, novelty.
4 Steps to Get Started with PBL
PenPal Schools
Teachers from around the world contributed ideas for this article, which emphasizes making global connections to local issues and real-world action projects. Nice section on assessment in PBL via “frequent and multi-direction reflection.”
How Passion Projects and Community Partners Create Relevant Learning for Teens in School
KQED Mind/Shift
Katrina Schwartz reports on the project-based Iowa BIG schools in Cedar Rapids, where students tackle local issues, working with local organizations.
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