Top 6 PBL News Stories
May 22-26, 2017
Each Friday we post a list of articles, blog posts, research studies, and other resources we’ve run across that relate to Project Based Learning.
Here’s what we liked this week:
Children Must Be Taught to Collaborate, Studies Say
Education Week
This article explains several efforts underway to define collaboration skills, asserts their importance in today’s world, and suggests ways they should be taught.
KQED Learning
As readers of this blog know, I’ve listed several posts from the Mind/Shift blog of KQED, San Francisco’s public TV and radio station. This site is a new venture with great resources for PBL teachers (and others).
Wow! This inquiry-based, technology-rich school has no tech staff
eSchool News
A K-8 school principal tells how she helped teachers and students explore “what it meant to be a 21st-century learner in an international baccalaureate context: as a global citizen.”
Noticeable Shifts in the Big Questions on Students’ Minds
Education Week Teacher
An 8th grade English teacher reports that her students nowadays seem less focused on personal issues and more interested in worried-about-the-future questions—she had them write poetry in response, but they would make good topics to explore in PBL projects.
PBL Canada Institute
Hillel Strathallen College
This is actually the registration page for a PBL Institute in Hamilton, Ontario happening this August 21-23 featuring BIE’s professional development workshops—but it contains really good videos of three teachers from elementary, middle, and high schools explaining why they like PBL and how they use it.
Trauma in the Souls of our Classrooms: Deeper Learning
OCM-BOCES Responsive Classroom Blog
Patrick Shaw explains how he connects Paul Tough’s book Helping Children Succeed: What Works and social-emotional learning in Responsive Classrooms and PBL.
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