Top 5 PBL News Stories
Oct. 31 - Nov. 4, 2016
Each Friday we post a list of articles, blog posts, and other resources we’ve run across that relate to Project Based Learning.
Here’s what we liked this week:
Novelty & Complexity: 13 Youth Onramps
Education Week
Tom Vander Ark discusses the speed of change in the world today and how schools need to teach students how to thrive in it by increasing their exposure to novelty and complexity. Number One on his list is PBL, followed by big integrated projects, makerspace, STEM challenges, place-based education, and more.
Leap of Faith, Now What? Marrying PBL and Personalized Learning
Huffington Post
New Tech Network president and CEO Lydia Dobbins argues for seeing PL and PBL as philosophically aligned rather than as competing strategies. She says, “PBL done well connects student passions and interests and makes them central to their intellectual development.”
Radio Interview: Project Based Learning: BIE
Education Innovations
In this radio talk show, BIE’s new Chief Program Officer Brandon Wiley covers the value of PBL and how to do it well, making connections to deeper learning, growth mindset, and global competence.
San Jose public school uses project-based learning to engage students
Education Dive
I missed this when it was posted in September, but it’s a great portrait of one of our favorite PBL schools, Katherine Smith Elementary. Principal Aaron Brengard, a member of the BIE National Faculty, gives an honest look at the successes and challenges of transforming learning in his high-poverty school.
8 Culinary-Arts Integration Lessons
Lots of cross-curricular project ideas in this article, including content standards in English language Arts, science, and history. As a dedicated foodie, I especially liked this one: students research historic restaurant menus and make presentations about what they tell us about the time, place, and culture.
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