Top 5 PBL News Stories
Oct. 2-6, 2017
Each Friday we post a list of articles, blog posts, research studies, and other resources we’ve run across that relate to Project Based Learning.
Here’s what we liked this week:
Whole Child, Whole Person Summit: Redefining Achievement, Education, and Well-Being
PBL educates the “whole child,” and this conference at Boston College on Oct. 22-23 looks like a very worhwhile event. Great speakers list, including Yong Zhao, who has done a couple of thought-provoking (and very entertaining) keynotes at our PBL World events.
Collaborative Projects Can Work in Any Subject
Teacher-blogger John Spencer argues for wider use of collaborative and creative projects and design thinking, offering lots of good examples from various subject areas.
The Value of Establishing a Culture of Thinking in the Classroom
Getting Smart
Not explicitly about PBL, but on the same wavelength: an overview of the Cultures of Thinking Project, led by Ron Ritchhart as part of Harvard’s Project Zero.
Poquoson students connect with veterans for class project
Daily Press
A local news story from Newport News, Virginia, about a project in which 11th graders interviewed local veterans and documented their stories through writing and video, which will go to either the Friends of the National World War II Memorial or the Poquoson Museum.
A Teacher’s Guide to Project Based Learning
Biracial Bookworms
Here’s a fairly thorough look at PBL, by a teacher who clearly gets it and loves it (and has been to BIE’s PBL 101 workshop). Great answers to FAQs, and a nice explanation of the compatibility between PBL and International Baccalaureate programs.
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