Top 5 PBL News Stories
May 29 - June 2, 2017
Each Friday we post a list of articles, blog posts, research studies, and other resources we’ve run across that relate to Project Based Learning.
Here’s what we liked this week:
Weaving Project-Based Learning Into Rigorous High School Courses
Education Week Webinar
This free webinar next Wed. June 7 looks to be a good one: the guests will describe the Knowledge in Action program, which is piloting the use of PBL in high school AP courses.
7 Tips for Developing PBL Leaders
ASCD SmartBrief
Tom Vander Ark offers sage advice for PBL school leaders: “take the initiative to develop their own learning” and lead by example by tackling their own projects.
Transforming Border Learning Experiences: New Tech Network in El Paso
Getting Smart
This article—and a great podcast—tells about a new high school in El Paso, Texas that uses PBL, and how other schools in the city are becoming interested in it too. Love hearing this: teachers are excited about using PBL and report “they never felt more energized by their profession and practice.”
Project Based Learning in Colombia
Suzie Boss reports on her recent visit to Bogota for a conference called “Revolution in Education Congress”—more evidence that PBL is going global!
Making the Grade: Cobb County students study science of baseball
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Middle school student teams presented their research projects, which combined math, science, and physical education, to Atlanta Braves players and fans at the ballpark last week.
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