How We Used Google Apps to Enrich a Project
When we embarked on our second project of the year, we knew that we would need to learn from our mistakes and further perfect our instruction. Parklands College in Cape Town, South Africa is an “Apple 1:1” school, which means that every one of our students has either an iPad or a MacBook. We are also a “Google Apps for Education” school. Having these resources at our disposal provided us with the tools to create a scaffolded and organized platform through which the students would be able to engage further with their project. From our experience with our first project, Avoiding the Path to Panem, we knew that there were five key elements we wanted our use of PBL to embody: collaboration, communication, student-centered learning, assessment, and feedback with reflection. What follows is our story of how we used Google Apps For Education (GAFE) to enrich and streamline these processes within our Project Based Learning environment.
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