How Does PBL Support Authentic Literacy?
Project Based Learning offers one of the best ways to provide students in your classroom with authentic literacy experiences—which means having them read and write for a real purpose, as opposed to an “inauthentic” academic exercise. To incorporate authentic literacy, be sure to answer these questions when you design and implement a project:
- Does the project include an authentic written product that someone outside the school context would create?
- Does the project include a written product that meets a real need?
- Does the project set students up to generate their own questions to frame their investigation into the Driving Question?
- Does the project enable students to find answers to their questions?
- Does the project include critique, ideally by an expert or the product recipient?
- Does the project allow students to present their work to the intended recipient?
If you can answer “yes” to these questions, you’ve got it: a fully authentic literary experience for your students.
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