Clone of Shrinking Our Footprints (sample HTML accordion Snapshot HTML pp)

Shrinking Our Footprints | Grades 3-6 Math/Science 

How can we use data to reduce our families’ impact on the environment?

Key Content: human impacts on the environment, data analysis, fractions, line plots

Estimated Duration: 15-20 instructional hours*

Students use measurement, data, and fraction concepts to develop, implement, and monitor an action plan for reducing their family’s impact on the environment. They calculate the change in resource use and share their conclusions in a blog post, infographic, or letter to the editor.


Project Path

Project Launch

(1-2 hrs)


Build Knowledge and Develop & Critique

(12 hrs*)om


Present Products 

(1-2 hrs)

How do our daily actions impact the environment?

Launch inquiry with a video-based discussion and generate need to know questions.

Form teams (each team focused on a different resource: water, garbage, food waste, electricity, or transportation) and create working agreements.

What is our families’ current use of resources that impact the environment?

Collect one week’s worth of data on families’ current use of the team’s focus resource.

Analyze individual family data and collective team data, then look for patterns and trends.

How can we reduce our families’ use of resources that impact the environment?

Research strategies for reducing resource use and set goals for reducing use by a given fraction. Use line plots to support these calculations.

Develop a plan to share with families. Use a peer critique process to gather feedback on plans and revise them.

What can we learn from the strategies we try?

Share plans with families, implement plans, collect an additional week’s data.

Compare resource use before and after action plans, then draw conclusions.

How can we prepare to share our learning with others?

Create, critique, & revise team blog posts, infographics, or letters to the editor.

What did we learn from reducing our families’ resource use?

Publish recommendations and host a community Q&A session to share learning, then reflect on learning from the project.

Make It Yours Body Content 2
Taking it Further Body Content 2


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